Cultivating self-initiated learning

Self-initiated learning is often considered a more modern approach to learning; one that has many practical implications, in particular, work/lifestyle fit.

By putting learners in the driving seat, they are empowered to make choices that are more appealing to them.

They can choose what they want to learn and in which format they want to learn, selecting a style that suits their individual preferences — and so are more likely to engage with the learning content.  

EdTech platforms and associated content are perfectly geared for self-directed learners with online courses, vlogs, podcasts, videos, blogs, ebooks, webinars, and more, providing a wealth of choice of topics, format and duration.

Laptops, tablets, and smartphones have in many cases replaced personal computers as the primary technology used in training environments, giving practitioners many options for supporting their learners, and giving learners far greater accessibility and freedom so they can learn where and when it suits them - perfect for self-initiated learning!

Research has shown the majority of learners in a work environment want the freedom to choose when and what they study, although they also require some guidance as captured in this LinkedIn Workplace Report, which shows 74% wish to do so.

To facilitate self-initiated learning, L&D practitioners need to ensure an appropriate infrastructure is in place to provide an adequate framework.

This individual-driven learning is less of an ‘anything goes’ and more a matter of providing a comprehensive catalogue of content, topics, format options and learning outcomes that are all made available, and importantly, are all relevant. 

As well as being able to respond to learners’ preferences, self-initiated learning takes a more employee-centric approach, a more personalised approach, and can enable an employee to shape their learning and career skills development in a way that is much more bespoke.

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